A template of suggested sizes and styles appears at end of document. If you opened this document via your word processer and have OregonWet installed via the DA Mover or SuitCase etc. use it to display the font. Put the Printer Description File in your system folder to print. If your software does not need the AFM file, you can discard it.
OregonWet is a special effects Type 1 PostScript typeface combining the graphic effect of water/raindrops/tears surrounding or splashing near each character. It's a full font containing upper and lower case letters, numbers, most shifted-number symbols and punctuation.
Note: Punctuation uses normal keyboard strokes for: : ; ' , . / and ?. Double quotes, " ", for before and after words or phrases are handled by the Mac's seldom used, often undiscovered built in keystrokes for making curly quotes instead of typewriter looking quotes: Option-[ types a beginning double quote and Option-Shift-[ types an end double quote.
OregonWet adds splashes, sweat or tears for an eye-catching word effect giving visual meaning to copy conveying a message about anything wet or water related i.e. Tears of joy; sweat or worry from hard work, water recreation etc. You can be creative with this one. It's best at or over 36 and very effective in Outline or Shadow styles. Screen fonts include 36, 48, 60, 72.
I teach drawing, painting, printmaking, and commercial art to high school students; and also produce serious art for local, regional and national juried exhibitions. This is the second Type 1 font I've created: SnyderSpeed, a sign painter's hand-lettered brush stroke alphabet in all caps was the first.
Try and ENJOY!.......then if you use and enjoy, honor the shareware fee of $15.
If you SHARE this font, please include all files and documents in one folder.
Comments, suggestions… both bricks and bouquets always welcome to
Pat or Gail at the above address or:
CompuServe: 76307,2431.
America Online: Rps82
Hint: a software library search entering Rps82 will list all of my fonts
except OregonWet which is under Rps8. On CServe search/find 76307,2431.
Since creating my first font SnyderSpeed Brush (11/91 v.1 upper case only), the encouragement of shareware fees and/or input from users, allowed me to update SnyderSpeed by adding lower case (1/92), plus create OregonWet (on AOL's Nov. 91 top download's list), OregonDry, MarkerFeltThin 2/92, MarkerFeltWide 4/92 (used by Aldus Magazine's "New Comics" article, pgs.18-20 July/Aug '92 issue) and StarsAndStripes 7/92; updates to MarkerFelt Thin v2, MFWide v2 and (SnyderSpeed Brush v3 9/92 and ComicsCartoon 10/92, both top downloads; NeedlePointSew 11/92. Fonts are available both in Type 1 and True Type Formats on AOL and Type 1 on CompuServe.